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On gangstalking - Blogged


Traveler's Home Companion: Trucker/Train/ Driver Videos!

this is just one example there are so many cab view or train driver point of view videos available from all around the world. there's also a truck drivers and even just people driving their cars on a road trip. 

 Train Driver view - Montreux to Montbovon - Goldenpass Panoramic MOB Train Switzerland

since I got off the road in 2016 I've had to care for a close relative through multiple surgeries and a stroke after the covid shot in 2021. I also had to do a lot of advocacy to get people to do their jobs and we muddled through the post stroke care which I knew nothing about everything is better now but it took many years when it should have just been done correctly immediately so I learned a lot about the lapses in healthcare which is why I appreciate the last video I posted from the neurosurgeon who's become a wanderer on his path to something else. 

This close relative is used to having a big house to herself and now lives in something one level above public housing for the elderly at least it's decent and it's too small rooms and the person is physically big so they also had a hoarding problem which I also had to fix while I was doing caregiving and advocacy and this is all being done while my partner was still sleeping outside urban camping and we were also urban camping in the area cuz I had not figured out how to take myself and a disabled partner with some issues inside in this area as for most of my middle age I was traveling with a backpack and writing and going to college and doing my blog and basically just caring for myself and all of a sudden I found myself saddled with two people who needed advocacy and care and it took me a long time to figure out not only how to survive my environmental health issues in the Northeast where I just used to leave and go to the Southwest every winter to solve that problem as well as to take care of someone dragged them with me and have a home environment so we did urban camping for a few years and luckily we had a sponsor after I was framed in 2016 who took care of me for many years thankfully and I could stay inside in the winter for the months where I am too old to stand the cold which is probably December January February and part of March if I was younger it would probably be no problem. I have since been lucky enough to come inside through the kindness of friends but technically I am still houseless without a place of my own. 

Being inside especially in a small room with another person like I am now as well as having to care for my close relative who was in two small rooms with a whole bunch of stuff to be sorted out and with her as well in there and me with me having to sleep in a recliner for 4 months straight instead of a bed and this is coming in from urban camping and going back out to urban camping so as you can see being a traveler you learn how to move mountains and being a targeted individual you learn how to move mountains and come up with copings and counter measures. But I did it and everyone's better off for it during this time I have gone half insane getting used to being in one place and being inside. Being inside with a stroke victim who didn't have the proper care in two small rooms packed with a bunch of stuff was deadly I was losing my mind so I found these train videos also you can use videos that people use drones to fly over large cities large area of cities so that you can view the city from above or if they go in closer you can go to a place without having to go there. 
A lot of the drone videos are actually of places where humans can't go anymore hard to reach mountain areas hard to reach illegal to go into areas or dangerous as well as places like Chernobyl or abandoned areas where you probably can't get in there or it's dangerous so you wouldn't be able to see anything like that abandoned city in China with those crazy high-rises. A lot of stuff in Russia and other countries that's very interesting. As well as you can view an entire city from the sky without having to go there. But that isn't as satisfying as the train videos especially if you're used to hopping trains or hitchhiking big rigs or just being in a vehicle or a bus. 

I know damn well that someday in the future they will discover why some of us become very at ease when we feel those Wheels rolling underneath us it's almost like a weird time portal where once I'm in a vehicle that goes fast I feel like I can then come down and go slow. Maybe it has something to do with being targeted the theory of being targeted would include technology and back when I was traveling I don't think they had the technology they have now and maybe when I got into a vehicle and it moved fast maybe it moved faster than whatever it was that was some kind of technological remote influence as they call it in the community. that's the danger of 5G everyone's talking about you won't be able to get away from it it'll be every block of every street. 

The greatest freedom any TI can ever get is a taxi cab. Everything else if you think about it is monitored with either surveillance cameras or Uber is definitely something weird going on there was spying. 
And that's not just my paranoia that's actual respectable legit people's testimony especially during events like in Las Vegas where there's sensitive conventions going on and stuff. 

So a way to cope was to run these videos constantly as much as I could when I was out in the living room or having to do other things or at night just keep running it and it made me feel like I was traveling again. 

It makes it easier to be around other people in a house or I'm an apartment especially if it's a small space. It'll put your mind at ease and calm you down and then you can also actually see scenery that you wouldn't be able to see in your lifetime without going there a lot of the train videos can accomplish this actually a lot better than driving on highways with a truck or a car. 

There's a very good one from Holland and there's another one called rail cowgirl I think from Norway which is one of the first ones I discovered and these are actual train drivers that work for the local Transit companies that record their travels and they methodically show the viewers their daily routes. 

I hope you find this useful as a sort of medicine to help you get through going from being in constant motion to being stuck in one place which for a traveler can be worse than death.

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