Language Translator

On gangstalking - Blogged


The Weaponization of the Phrase "Homeless By Choice"

To a TI this expression can be devastating. 

Perps who create or who become part of rumors about Targets use it frequently to completely discredit that person and vilify them. 

Average people know little about homeless people and culture and don't understand how this could never be true.

NO ONE is homeless by choice. There's always something else going on.

In fact in some cases choosing that route could be a very brave choice an individual makes. Actually making something out of their lives in those conditions is even more amazing. In the United States of America is this possible, to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and re invent yourself. 

This phrase is a convenient way for housed people to brush off the homeless issue and it's even more sinister when used strategically by people who are knowingly weaponizing it to destroy morale or credibility of a person who's (theoretically) targeted.

Language is a tool of war to these people and their minions spread the destruction either willingly or unwillingly either way it doesn't matter. 

You have to be able to quickly unravel their phrases to neutralize them. 

One key clue is hearing the same phrase pertaining to a  Target repeated by different people, specifically if it's not a common phrase. 'Homeless by choice' is a common phrase used by lots of people for different reasons. 

 It's mostly used by politicians and the grifters or white collar criminals that make money off of the homeless population which has no voice and no representation.  That's for the general population. However if someone's working with the target individual theory and that phrase comes out of the mouth of people that are pretty much fitting the profile of someone who's been recruited and someone who's compromised then it's pretty much a way of discrediting and invalidating the person who's targeted because they of all people are not going to be homeless by choice because they're being made homeless by being targeted. That would be the running theory of how that would work so you see how this irresponsible heartless invalidating politically motivated phrase used to cover up for a completely irresponsible and ineffective system that allows humans to fall through the cracks and refuses to create an alternative system that actually works to solve the problems of what comes up in people's lives that become homeless if you will it can then be weaponized against people that fall into homelessness because of circumstances beyond their control that as of now are still not legally recognized except under certain circumstances in certain cases. 

So saying someone is homeless by choice we're using that phrase is irresponsible on the part of the babysitters and the handlers in the homeless industrial complex and the politicians and the PC people but it's also potentially a very dangerous weapon in the hands of people who know damn well individual it would not be homeless if it weren't for them to be the target of a campaign that isn't supposed to exist officially. How would you like to become homeless because of like a Black ops because of a plot of evil design or a sinister little conspiracy? 

Okay here's an example because let's work with workplace mobbing because that's legally recognized and it's easier for most people to understand it doesn't scare them as much because it's contained within a workplace. 

Say that you became homeless and jobless. Say that you became jobless because of workplace mobbing it's easier for people to understand how that would work. It's the same principle just take the workplace mobbing and expand it out to every workplace that you go to or everywhere you go or every apartment that you try to rent. If you're going to be jobless because of job ABC there was workplace mobbing so you have to quit or leave or get fired it's kind of the same thing with homelessness if you're talking about being mobbed in the greater environment of Life generally. So in other words if you became jobless and you lost your job at company ABC for being the victim especially if say at that point in our history if there's no way of defending yourself as is there has been historically like in the 1950s or say even today in French culture if you were to have a boss come on to you and he were to fire you because you didn't play ball and play the game you can't really fight that nowadays you might be able to but in recent history you could not do that you were supposed to just quit and move on. But nowadays it's actually a big deal on your resume if you quit a job so I think that's another reason why people are a little more adamant about why they're getting fired. In the old days there was a little bit of giving take kind of like homelessness. If you're homeless before this new era of homelessness especially in the world of the recent past where organized crime and old money was around all the big cities especially in the north and Northeast the people involved in those two worlds I just mentioned have a little better understanding of the underhandedness that power can take in order to get its way so in the old New York or Boston there was a little more of a gray area of give and take if you were like homeless or you lost your job because they might people might understand instinctively that there was corruption of foot so it will be forgiven it was a little more forgivable because people quietly realized the reality of human life and society. in a world where we're being misrepresented by being told in other words life is being misrepresented in reality by being told that everything is solvable and we're building a Utopia then actual real problems can't be addressed and so people don't have any tolerance for people that look like they make bad decisions. I mean the phrase bad decisions or bad Life choices is actually pretty fucking condescending as well and that's another stupid phrase we should get rid of. 

So in the old days if you were to get fired from a job or you had to quit if you quietly delicately explained that the boss was out looking for a girlfriend or that something happened and you even did it in a very sort of feminine way without these words like sexual harassment and all this legal crap people would understand and they would just quietly write it off and say well you're a woman you had to do and it's respectable that you just decided to not play ball and you left and likewise if a woman did decide to fool around with her boss and she was the secretary in the old days that might be considered a wise career move it was commonplace people just lived their lives. And women were seen as people that sometimes didn't have choices or they should seize opportunities even if those things don't seem morally correct. The point of having more opportunities is to not vilify people that are experiencing something where they don't have the same opportunities but to sort of take the opportunities if you can. Judging people that we can't understand why they're not able to seize opportunities because there's still a bad things going on in the world that are not admitted to the problem between the modern time as we live in and the olden days is that people now are heartless and greedy and they don't accept that there's things going on out there that are beyond your control. There's a lot of cowardice in the face of authority and in the face of power and the establishment nowadays and people have to pretend is if you're doing with the supposed to be doing because they're scared to death to make any moves up against the corruption and the system. Either that or they're lazy or their cowards 

So if somebody became jobless because they experienced workplace mobbing how are you blaming them for having to leave their job? In the old days all somebody had to say was they were harassed in their job and they wanted them to leave and then the new person interviewing them would ask a couple more questions and it would be forgiven because it was a common situation where there was no recourse now there's recourse so the question would be well why didn't you report it? 

It's the same thing with being homeless back in the old days people would look and say well this person seems coherent they're not on drugs they're not drinking they don't seem mentally ill something must have happened where somebody in power decided they were inconvenient or they have family members that piss somebody off yada yada yada a number of different scenarios can enter into a theory of why this person's outside and they just sort of forgive and that's when people would help you in the old days they would talk to you for a minute and they realize you're coherent and intelligent to what the fuck are you doing homelessness? But nowadays there's total ignorance and it's almost like a willful ignorance about what's going on out there in the world and what really consists of humanity what is humanity what is human society and how the world really works and how things actually get done. Nobody has any aces up their sleep and any corruption can be identified and cured and it's completely unrealistic people are living in fucking Disney World and if you dare to be somebody that has a problem and it can't be solved a liar or you're labeled mentally ill or people just look at you and because you don't compute they just write you off. 

That is where we're getting these absolutely judgmental moralistic ridiculous phrases like bad life choices and bad choices and homeless by choice etc. 

So I personally am not going to let a bunch of fucking amateurs and new money people and stupid people and people who can't fucking face reality judge my goddamn situation because I already was framed once by a bunch of people that are trying really hard to neutralize me so that nobody can actually know about my situation. Why in the fuck would I then have to turn around and deal with people adding to that invalidation and adding to that reputation of me being irresponsible for untruthful or lazy or simply just mentally ill or something or trying to cover up for this system? 

That's why you shouldn't tolerate anybody using those phrases if it's about you. Only you can try to figure out why you're homeless. Sometimes people only figure it out after they go back inside then they can in hindsight look back and see what happened and why they ended up in that situation. And if you're a targeted individual or that's the theory you're working with and you become homeless you certainly shouldn't put up with people using that phrase referring to you because even if that wasn't your situation and you simply became homeless for other reasons nobody has a right to decide for you if it's by choice or not and therein lies the problem  we should be very suspicious of anybody talking about other people's situations with a judgment like that the problem is is that gang stalking and being a targeted individual is very insidious. Remember I have experiences that I have posted on this blog where I have seen people become targeted before I was even aware of my situation in other words back in the 90s when I was in early recovery and 12 step meetings I was around people that had a little bit of money and they were involved in certain industries like the music industry and there was some meetings I was going to people were nice to me probably because of my family on both sides and they were respectful to my family by watching out for me and it helped me to get clean and stay clean to this day however because I was protected and nobody was really coming after me at that point that I really realized or saw anyway because my situation only become obvious to me after 9/11, I was just living my life and trying to stay clean and deciding if I was going to go to college or not or something I was an early recovery that's what you supposed to do just go to meetings get a little job and figure out what you're doing next. But I did see someone become targeted in the same way that this blog exists now and the way it was presented to everybody around that person was very insidious. I just accepted it out of turn like it was normal but now looking back in hindsight I can clearly see that people should be asking a lot more questions when somebody is giving you hearsay like second third hand information about somebody else's situation 

And that person allegedly ended up committing suicide they might have even been murdered. And the only thing that I know about that person's story to this day is the words of somebody who probably isn't a trusted source who came from a very sick scene around the music industry so who knows what they knew or didn't know or what their motives were and what really happened to that person. So somebody is dead now allegedly who might have been an innocent human being just because a system in place decided to have a campaign of organized harassment against that person. There's also a story about a man who wanted to join a certain fire department in a city I won't name or it's you pay to play and I can't blame that particular organization because I understand they want to keep people in their organization for the right reasons and that you want to know who's watching your back in the middle of a raging fucking fire. I don't trust that pay to play situations aren't to cover up corruption like sticky fingers and stealing or whatever other corruption but that person I think ended up not wanting to pay the $10,000 to become a fireman and they ended up trying to report it or cause some kind of trouble we're probably my best advice would have been to just walk away quietly and go someplace else I don't know what happened but it ended up being that after getting involved in that the system wouldn't let them go and they became a targeted individual and they kill themselves. And that was on the internet it was like somebody wrote about it trying to whistle blow that this person was driven to suicide under those circumstances. Again this is a male of the species and it's probably not somebody that could afford to be targeted they probably had a family they had kids and men tend to get really touchy about being embarrassed when their families are at stake women are more flexible they find ways to survive they'll run away and try to survive elsewhere and those of us that don't have children or houses etc are especially lucky because we can just flee and come back to fight another day 

So when you hear about these stories you really feel fortunate that blogs like this exist and that all the internet activism is out there because without awareness people die. 

So when you're using phrases like homeless by choice and it's used against someone as a way to smear their reputation your potentially part of a lethal campaign you're putting someone's life in danger potentially you might actually be destroying what little faith in themselves they have or hope for the future. 

There's lots of ways that words can be used as weapons and I should do more blog posts on that. And as I wrote in the beginning of this post obviously that phrase was come up with by the grifters in the politically motivated industries where homeless people are to be controlled and treated like cattle and used to create jobs and money but there's never any end to the lifestyle that doesn't work. They have no voice they're not represented and even if they were it would probably be by some person put in that position by the powers that be and not like a genuine leader coming out of the homeless world. Like for instance say that a long time homeless person like myself or someone else who's smart and intelligent and Claude their way back up from the abyss try to become a representative for the homeless community. You'd have every criminal every shill every plant every operative every snitch coming out against someone like that to ensure that there is no change. That's why like I've said before above board over activism does not work when you're dealing with covert warfare. Exposing it writing about it strategizing informing people how things work giving testimony to experiences is probably the only thing you can do until there's somebody really smart enough and determine if it comes along with a law degree to change it. 

So always be very leery of the phrases come up with by an industry motivated by greed laziness and wanting to keep a World hidden from the public in which they can have crime and intelligence operations running so that the public doesn't see and people are suffering and they're basically slaves. Because slavery is the norm for humans not the exception and it's up to you if you want to fight for your freedom or not. .

And part of fighting for your freedom is to fight against making it any easier for the enslavers minions because they are some of the laziest fucking ignorant fucks you're ever going to see in these games. And I'll be damned if life will be any easier for them.