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On gangstalking - Blogged


Mind Control Nationwide No Relief Anywhere

Ever since 2003 this entire situation has been a nightmare. Mass mind control still is in effect. For those of us heavily targeted its even more hellish- becuz often we know whats happening but cant stop it.

The phase they are in now is to get all people like myself who were nearly killed during Bush or attempted to be driven to suicide to go on with our lives and forget about what happened.

Its no coincidence that there are still lots of experiments concerning PTSD like erasing memories with new drugs now. I recall that one very suspect incident is when my psychiatrist turned on me she wrote a referral that was bogus and she sent it to me, it specifically stated I had PTSD which her and I discussed but she always stalemated or skirted around the issue.

I think having PTSD on paper is criteria for being an experimentee. She also made me look like a threat on paper by framing me up with
PTSD, paranoid ideations and other things that were not focused on in our sessions or with therapists like lack of motivation etc. If I were lacking motivation how could I have done research while involved with a psycho like Scott Ashmanski, deal with him AND a moldy apartment AND being stalked and harassed which was really bad then with home entries and cars driving past the house beeping twice constantly as well as the Nextel cell repeaters on top of the roof causing major symptoms from tech..AND get medical evidence from doctors AND finagle it so the state environmental health dept forced Barbra Pettiti to finally test the apartment?? HOW IS THAT LACK OF MOTIVATION??

See they know that by now I am very strong and I can take all this evidence and if not sue past the three years of statute of limitations I can show an ongoing conspiracy to silence me.

Something DOES keep telling me to get a lawyer yet something else pulling me at the same time emotionally and mentally is preventing me from doing so, causing yet ANOTHER living hell from being targeted and manipulated by this system.

The nation is so controlled now and like Ive said before if what was done during Bush doesnt get dealt with this nation will continue to live under mind control becuz they dont realize they have fallen under it.
If this sounds like delusion, paranoia or conspiracy just watch the vid MINDWAR on Youtube. I didnt come up with conceptualizing mass mind control- the military did and specifically Satanists like Aquino with other people who not only want to use these methods of control in wartime but want to change the entire western culture with it.

Never before have I cared what anyone thinks. I was completely self contained in my Will and belief in myself. Now however I am finding that I am not only suffering ill health that is serious but I am always very tired, feeling very old for my age (MY natural age not a normal person's) and the mind control lately consists of a CONSTANT non stop barrage of content consisting of getting me to feel aged, unhealthy, sick, weak, done, over with, has-been. Also caring very very much what other people will think of my work. Its IN THE INTERFACE which it never was before.

The only choice I have is to finally get legal assistance which I am prompted to do by many sources as I travel physically around certain areas in my day. Certain stores and businesses seem to have systems in thier stores where I am bombarded by ideations or suggestion to get legal assistance. Like constantly. But then I am also hit afterwards with the ideas that its useless to do so, no one will believe me, I cant trust a lawyer, where will I find the right one etc etc.

Obviously this is psychological manipulation to get me to NOT seek legal assistance. Also they must know that they have manipualted me and the situation to make me compute that I am stuck in a conundrum where I can NOT release information without destroying the last of my internal programming that makes up WHO I am and was/is my inner world.

Imagine if confessing information resulted in your self destruction? The destruction of what little territory you had left after years of someone or forces destroying that piece by piece. Its like giving up and agreeing to the terms of an invading aggressor to keep just one eighth of what land was once yours just to be able to have SOME part of what was once your own.

They have equated me telling my story and taking legal action with death, as usual guilty people dont want you telling on them or they will 'kill you'. Its so typical.

If no one is going to believe me then why cant I just write my story???

Also, I notice that the interfacing is more subtle. Its harder to tell your being hit and then brainwashed. Its getting to the point where living with this system is becoming normalized. Like a wound where some mechanism was inserted is healing over and the body and systems are accepting the foreign object and what it does to you, and learning to work with it.

That in itself is unnacceptable.
The problem with all this is that if I do get legal help and reveal everything its the completion of forced deprogramming. Not allowing the artist to have any mystique or any privacy or secrecy takes from them any power they have. Its definetely about dumbing me down. Which it didnt seem like it was before.

Still I am being convinced to not leave the USA. WHY? If I am going to be targeted wherever I go anyway? Why cant I make a complaint to Switzerland or some foriegn power who acknowledges war crimes? If no one is going to believe me or care why is this so important to block? I keep getting this idea that people want to spare me being disappointed when no one cares if I try to take legal action or contact foriegn powers about war crimes. If I AM NOT EXPECTING there to be any great change in my situation or if I am prepared for that WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO PREVENT ME FROM TAKING SUCH ACTIONS???

Conversely I keep getting told lately that I will be famous soon if only I stay on the right track. Note giving the Target totally opposing ideas and promising unrealistically negative and positive outcomes?
It makes one take NO ACTION AT ALL.

And thats what they want.


The Truck Stops In Breezewood PA Are Dangerous To TIs

The Travel Center Of America truck and car stop in Breezewood Pennsylvania is a total gang stalking trap. The McDonald's nearby is wired to the gills. You WILL.start to get agitated and lose focus.

The Pilot is also going to have perps messing with you driving by and the counter people are snooty nobodies but there's not going to be the out and out harassmemt going on inside Pilot.

The TA is within what appears to be a sort of official rest area. I.assume this gives the place priority to be subjected to a.high degree of police or other surveillance or by a security company or covert agency and of course if you are targeted these powers WILL BE ABUSED in order to harass and stalk you.

McDonald's also but that's the norm anyway. McDonalds, Walmart, Target, Walgreens, HEB, etc. Your GOING to get harassed in these chains. And/or targeted with tech. McDonald's always delivers an experience of being watched through the security cameras. By a single or select group of person(s) usually that its board members or corporate higher ups which of course makes no sense at all.

Jack in The Box for instance doesn't deliver such an experience. As a TI I experience being subjected to a constant interface which results in a heavy behavior modification session.
Yet as far as being targeted.goes, their ends by these means at JITB seems to be to get the Target to think and believe differently for a better life overall. Of course be this as it may, ANY AND ALL behavior modification must be resisted and fought becuz....well becuz its wrong. End of story. They are using what amounts to punitive psychiatry. They claim.the TI is mental so perhaps this behavior mod system used in public spaces seems appropriate but in many cases its simply used to silence a victim witness, whistle blower, dissident etc.

Going along with any of this is not the way to handle being targeted. They might convince the public you are just a nothing to be mocked and laughed at or they may act like you don't matter but this is all to hide the fact you are most likely able to incriminate important people and reveal classified information.
If I was truly so unimportant I wouldn't be targeted and controlled to this extent day after day for years on end.
The people involved in this and the entire system itself seeks to cover up America's international war committing MORE war crimes.

The public doesn't know about.this system and TIs are subjected to it every day. Its not a very promising situation for Targeted Individuals.

I think this place is way to close to Washington DC is the problem. At the TA I started getting black males who were going out of their way to cross my path physically, gawk and stare and one even did a hand tactic when I was on the phone sitting down. Of course I said something to him and ended up walking away from TA using the end.word and giving the finger.

This cannot be just the way blacks are in small town PA. The truckers coming out of another truck brought me back to reality by simply stating that they were going the opposite way.
Those blacks over at TA were COINTELPRO or whatever you call them now. Antagonists. Working for the system.

Its a joke that terrorists could commit any crimes in the US even close to Washington DC. Any state surrounding there is saturated with a covert security presence. Its a fuckin joke to claim 9-11 happened by chance to begin with. From what I've seen over the years the country is completely controlled, every inch of it. And most havoc and violence is caused by the presence of antagonists along with psych warfare operations and the use of mind control technologies to drive human populations to behave in such ways.

This is a miserable place to hitch out of. And its cold.

Usually places like this that are nothing BUT tourist travel stop areas are self contained so they are little perpvilles. Gang Stalkingland and nothing else.

The closer you get northeast the more the trucking culture is blocked and hampered, firstly by a lack of good truck stops or any at all and secondly by nasty fines.and a general unfriendliness towards truckers.

In order for the northeast to function they have always kept a very strict control over the class and heirarchal structure. The trucking industry is way to strong and independent minded and spirited for this control to be maintained. All working class blue collars are designated to unions/organized crime and the police/fire malecentric 'class' or subgroup. Outside of the northeast like the south, Texas, southwest and the northwest, and to an extent CA, truckers are traditionally at odds with Smokey (police) and owner operators are independent of corporate control. Only DOT scares these people.

This subculture does.not support how the northeast creates and keeps its power structure. The northeast needs to keep its power concentrated so it can hold its own apart from other regions of the USA.

So when dealing with trucking here, beginning in Ohio really but it gets quite evident in PA, one loses the experience of the trucking lifestyle, which is basically a traveling lifestyle.

The northeast loathes this kind of untethered freedom. Their idea of freedom is ultimate political power, academic elite and excellence and the clout old money brings. Freedom here is what you can lord over the rest of the country.

This is why the trucker culture is absent from travel stops and the employees working here in this area.

Its easier to sit around your cramped Beacon Hill.shithole apartmemt and make fun of toothless hicks and hard working simple people than it is to wake up and realize that the northeast is a glorified golden cage. And nothing else.

I usually lose patience with this region just as I.have this time, within mere hours.

The heavy tech combined with a strong covert agent/police or security presence (that's abused to perform GS) along with the natural snobbishness of fat, average looking Nobody locals is a combination that is so much pressure it causes a break down within hours.

Its.not easy to be hit so hard by multiple things especially the tech basically forcing me to believe my life's work is worthless and I.will never get justice for myself or have peace of mind after telling my story.

Its brutal up here. But then again I can't get any peace from being targeted or manipulated WHEREVER I.GO IN THE UNITED STATES so why stay at all?

Oh and the most tasteless content I was targeted with at TA today was that whoever was watching me was laughing at me like laughing at.just looking at the sight of my face becuz they knew.and remembered me as either a child prostitute or from kiddie porn I.was in as a child. Like around or before 6 yrs. That young.

That the people watching me in TA percieved me as just a 'slut' type from that kind of family. That that has always been my value and how I have been percieved.

However I also got this psychic perception that whoever was watching also knew I had to be.handled carefully becuz I am capable of doing some damage becuz I do have incriminating information and a 'case' (a legal case?) if I ever was to be able to get help for whats been done to me.

Since my dad's father's family is from PA I wonder about the source of this. But it could some people connected with Washington DC or security for them considering this is so close to there.

Needless to say these have been some of the nastiest and disturbing images or impressions yet.

INTERFACE or what seems like interface with the Target through security and surveillance systems is what many of us experience. This along with then being harassed in a very specific manner that lets us know its personal and we are the focus (the target) is what makes many TIs act out in public.

I knew TA wasn't safe anymore when I found myself going into a tirade in.the ladies room.about how much I hate coming home to the Northeast.
Exactly what they wanted I am sure.

Like its my fault my mother sold me out when I was a little kid.
My cousin a PhD in genetic engineering and her father Thomas Willems used to kill people for a living.

I, being just as bright if not moreso talented and attractive have to live on the road and sleep outside with only a backpack to my name.

How does a man who kills people get such a great life for his daughter? How did everyone around me including my friends and lovers get great lives when they were all involved in criminal activity?

A human scapegoat. A human sacrifice is the only way out of their crimes. They as individuals and the entire community. So many people must know about my.past what I haven't been allowed to remember myself.

So why WOULDN'T I want to leave the USA?
Compared to these sick jerks up here in the northeast from my past and my family's connections the Mormons and the foreign Satanists involved seem like angels in comparison.

The Truck Stops In Breezewood PA Are Dangerous To TIs

The Travel Center Of America truck and car stop in Breezewood Pennsylvania is a total gang stalking trap. The McDonald's nearby is wired to the gills. You WILL.start to get agitated and lose focus.

The Pilot is also going to have perps messing with you driving by and the counter people are snooty nobodies but there's not going to be the out and out harassmemt going on inside Pilot.

The TA is within what appears to be a sort of official rest area. I.assume this gives the place priority to be subjected to a.high degree of police or other surveillance or by a security company or covert agency and of course if you are targeted these powers WILL BE ABUSED in order to harass and stalk you.

McDonald's also but that's the norm anyway. McDonalds, Walmart, Target, Walgreens, HEB, etc. Your GOING to get harassed in these chains. And/or targeted with tech. McDonald's always delivers an experience of being watched through the security cameras. By a single or select group of person(s) usually that its board members or corporate higher ups which of course makes no sense at all.

Jack in The Box for instance doesn't deliver such an experience. As a TI I experience being subjected to a constant interface which results in a heavy behavior modification session.
Yet as far as being targeted.goes, their ends by these means at JITB seems to be to get the Target to think and believe differently for a better life overall. Of course be this as it may, ANY AND ALL behavior modification must be resisted and fought becuz....well becuz its wrong. End of story. They are using what amounts to punitive psychiatry. They claim.the TI is mental so perhaps this behavior mod system used in public spaces seems appropriate but in many cases its simply used to silence a victim witness, whistle blower, dissident etc.

Going along with any of this is not the way to handle being targeted. They might convince the public you are just a nothing to be mocked and laughed at or they may act like you don't matter but this is all to hide the fact you are most likely able to incriminate important people and reveal classified information.
If I was truly so unimportant I wouldn't be targeted and controlled to this extent day after day for years on end.
The people involved in this and the entire system itself seeks to cover up America's international war committing MORE war crimes.

The public doesn't know about.this system and TIs are subjected to it every day. Its not a very promising situation for Targeted Individuals.

I think this place is way to close to Washington DC is the problem. At the TA I started getting black males who were going out of their way to cross my path physically, gawk and stare and one even did a hand tactic when I was on the phone sitting down. Of course I said something to him and ended up walking away from TA using the end.word and giving the finger.

This cannot be just the way blacks are in small town PA. The truckers coming out of another truck brought me back to reality by simply stating that they were going the opposite way.
Those blacks over at TA were COINTELPRO or whatever you call them now. Antagonists. Working for the system.

Its a joke that terrorists could commit any crimes in the US even close to Washington DC. Any state surrounding there is saturated with a covert security presence. Its a fuckin joke to claim 9-11 happened by chance to begin with. From what I've seen over the years the country is completely controlled, every inch of it. And most havoc and violence is caused by the presence of antagonists along with psych warfare operations and the use of mind control technologies to drive human populations to behave in such ways.

This is a miserable place to hitch out of. And its cold.

Usually places like this that are nothing BUT tourist travel stop areas are self contained so they are little perpvilles. Gang Stalkingland and nothing else.

The closer you get northeast the more the trucking culture is blocked and hampered, firstly by a lack of good truck stops or any at all and secondly by nasty fines.and a general unfriendliness towards truckers.

In order for the northeast to function they have always kept a very strict control over the class and heirarchal structure. The trucking industry is way to strong and independent minded and spirited for this control to be maintained. All working class blue collars are designated to unions/organized crime and the police/fire malecentric 'class' or subgroup. Outside of the northeast like the south, Texas, southwest and the northwest, and to an extent CA, truckers are traditionally at odds with Smokey (police) and owner operators are independent of corporate control. Only DOT scares these people.

This subculture does.not support how the northeast creates and keeps its power structure. The northeast needs to keep its power concentrated so it can hold its own apart from other regions of the USA.

So when dealing with trucking here, beginning in Ohio really but it gets quite evident in PA, one loses the experience of the trucking lifestyle, which is basically a traveling lifestyle.

The northeast loathes this kind of untethered freedom. Their idea of freedom is ultimate political power, academic elite and excellence and the clout old money brings. Freedom here is what you can lord over the rest of the country.

This is why the trucker culture is absent from travel stops and the employees working here in this area.

Its easier to sit around your cramped Beacon Hill.shithole apartmemt and make fun of toothless hicks and hard working simple people than it is to wake up and realize that the northeast is a glorified golden cage. And nothing else.

I usually lose patience with this region just as I.have this time, within mere hours.

The heavy tech combined with a strong covert agent/police or security presence (that's abused to perform GS) along with the natural snobbishness of fat, average looking Nobody locals is a combination that is so much pressure it causes a break down within hours.

Its.not easy to be hit so hard by multiple things especially the tech basically forcing me to believe my life's work is worthless and I.will never get justice for myself or have peace of mind after telling my story.

Its brutal up here. But then again I can't get any peace from being targeted or manipulated WHEREVER I.GO IN THE UNITED STATES so why stay at all?

Oh and the most tasteless content I was targeted with at TA today was that whoever was watching me was laughing at me like laughing at.just looking at the sight of my face becuz they knew.and remembered me as either a child prostitute or from kiddie porn I.was in as a child. Like around or before 6 yrs. That young.

That the people watching me in TA percieved me as just a 'slut' type from that kind of family. That that has always been my value and how I have been percieved.

However I also got this psychic perception that whoever was watching also knew I had to be.handled carefully becuz I am capable of doing some damage becuz I do have incriminating information and a 'case' (a legal case?) if I ever was to be able to get help for whats been done to me.

Since my dad's father's family is from PA I wonder about the source of this. But it could some people connected with Washington DC or security for them considering this is so close to there.

Needless to say these have been some of the nastiest and disturbing images or impressions yet.

INTERFACE or what seems like interface with the Target through security and surveillance systems is what many of us experience. This along with then being harassed in a very specific manner that lets us know its personal and we are the focus (the target) is what makes many TIs act out in public.

I knew TA wasn't safe anymore when I found myself going into a tirade in.the ladies room.about how much I hate coming home to the Northeast.
Exactly what they wanted I am sure.

Like its my fault my mother sold me out when I was a little kid.
My cousin a PhD in genetic engineering and her father Thomas Willems used to kill people for a living.

I, being just as bright if not moreso talented and attractive have to live on the road and sleep outside with only a backpack to my name.

How does a man who kills people get such a great life for his daughter? How did everyone around me including my friends and lovers get great lives when they were all involved in criminal activity?

A human scapegoat. A human sacrifice is the only way out of their crimes. They as individuals and the entire community. So many people must know about my.past what I haven't been allowed to remember myself.

So why WOULDN'T I want to leave the USA?
Compared to these sick jerks up here in the northeast from my past and my family's connections the Mormons and the foreign Satanists involved seem like angels in comparison.

The Truck Stops In Breezewood PA Are Dangerous To TIs

The Travel Center Of America truck and car stop in Breezewood Pennsylvania is a total gang stalking trap. The McDonald's nearby is wired to the gills. You WILL.start to get agitated and lose focus.

The Pilot is also going to have perps messing with you driving by and the counter people are snooty nobodies but there's not going to be the out and out harassmemt going on inside Pilot.

The TA is within what appears to be a sort of official rest area. I.assume this gives the place priority to be subjected to a.high degree of police or other surveillance or by a security company or covert agency and of course if you are targeted these powers WILL BE ABUSED in order to harass and stalk you.

McDonald's also but that's the norm anyway. McDonalds, Walmart, Target, Walgreens, HEB, etc. Your GOING to get harassed in these chains. And/or targeted with tech. McDonald's always delivers an experience of being watched through the security cameras. By a single or select group of person(s) usually that its board members or corporate higher ups which of course makes no sense at all.

Jack in The Box for instance doesn't deliver such an experience. As a TI I experience being subjected to a constant interface which results in a heavy behavior modification session.
Yet as far as being targeted.goes, their ends by these means at JITB seems to be to get the Target to think and believe differently for a better life overall. Of course be this as it may, ANY AND ALL behavior modification must be resisted and fought becuz....well becuz its wrong. End of story. They are using what amounts to punitive psychiatry. They claim.the TI is mental so perhaps this behavior mod system used in public spaces seems appropriate but in many cases its simply used to silence a victim witness, whistle blower, dissident etc.

Going along with any of this is not the way to handle being targeted. They might convince the public you are just a nothing to be mocked and laughed at or they may act like you don't matter but this is all to hide the fact you are most likely able to incriminate important people and reveal classified information.
If I was truly so unimportant I wouldn't be targeted and controlled to this extent day after day for years on end.
The people involved in this and the entire system itself seeks to cover up America's international war committing MORE war crimes.

The public doesn't know about.this system and TIs are subjected to it every day. Its not a very promising situation for Targeted Individuals.

I think this place is way to close to Washington DC is the problem. At the TA I started getting black males who were going out of their way to cross my path physically, gawk and stare and one even did a hand tactic when I was on the phone sitting down. Of course I said something to him and ended up walking away from TA using the end.word and giving the finger.

This cannot be just the way blacks are in small town PA. The truckers coming out of another truck brought me back to reality by simply stating that they were going the opposite way.
Those blacks over at TA were COINTELPRO or whatever you call them now. Antagonists. Working for the system.

Its a joke that terrorists could commit any crimes in the US even close to Washington DC. Any state surrounding there is saturated with a covert security presence. Its a fuckin joke to claim 9-11 happened by chance to begin with. From what I've seen over the years the country is completely controlled, every inch of it. And most havoc and violence is caused by the presence of antagonists along with psych warfare operations and the use of mind control technologies to drive human populations to behave in such ways.

This is a miserable place to hitch out of. And its cold.

Usually places like this that are nothing BUT tourist travel stop areas are self contained so they are little perpvilles. Gang Stalkingland and nothing else.

The closer you get northeast the more the trucking culture is blocked and hampered, firstly by a lack of good truck stops or any at all and secondly by nasty fines.and a general unfriendliness towards truckers.

In order for the northeast to function they have always kept a very strict control over the class and heirarchal structure. The trucking industry is way to strong and independent minded and spirited for this control to be maintained. All working class blue collars are designated to unions/organized crime and the police/fire malecentric 'class' or subgroup. Outside of the northeast like the south, Texas, southwest and the northwest, and to an extent CA, truckers are traditionally at odds with Smokey (police) and owner operators are independent of corporate control. Only DOT scares these people.

This subculture does.not support how the northeast creates and keeps its power structure. The northeast needs to keep its power concentrated so it can hold its own apart from other regions of the USA.

So when dealing with trucking here, beginning in Ohio really but it gets quite evident in PA, one loses the experience of the trucking lifestyle, which is basically a traveling lifestyle.

The northeast loathes this kind of untethered freedom. Their idea of freedom is ultimate political power, academic elite and excellence and the clout old money brings. Freedom here is what you can lord over the rest of the country.

This is why the trucker culture is absent from travel stops and the employees working here in this area.

Its easier to sit around your cramped Beacon Hill.shithole apartmemt and make fun of toothless hicks and hard working simple people than it is to wake up and realize that the northeast is a glorified golden cage. And nothing else.

I usually lose patience with this region just as I.have this time, within mere hours.

The heavy tech combined with a strong covert agent/police or security presence (that's abused to perform GS) along with the natural snobbishness of fat, average looking Nobody locals is a combination that is so much pressure it causes a break down within hours.

Its.not easy to be hit so hard by multiple things especially the tech basically forcing me to believe my life's work is worthless and I.will never get justice for myself or have peace of mind after telling my story.

Its brutal up here. But then again I can't get any peace from being targeted or manipulated WHEREVER I.GO IN THE UNITED STATES so why stay at all?

Oh and the most tasteless content I was targeted with at TA today was that whoever was watching me was laughing at me like laughing at.just looking at the sight of my face becuz they knew.and remembered me as either a child prostitute or from kiddie porn I.was in as a child. Like around or before 6 yrs. That young.

That the people watching me in TA percieved me as just a 'slut' type from that kind of family. That that has always been my value and how I have been percieved.

However I also got this psychic perception that whoever was watching also knew I had to be.handled carefully becuz I am capable of doing some damage becuz I do have incriminating information and a 'case' (a legal case?) if I ever was to be able to get help for whats been done to me.

Since my dad's father's family is from PA I wonder about the source of this. But it could some people connected with Washington DC or security for them considering this is so close to there.

Needless to say these have been some of the nastiest and disturbing images or impressions yet.

INTERFACE or what seems like interface with the Target through security and surveillance systems is what many of us experience. This along with then being harassed in a very specific manner that lets us know its personal and we are the focus (the target) is what makes many TIs act out in public.

I knew TA wasn't safe anymore when I found myself going into a tirade in.the ladies room.about how much I hate coming home to the Northeast.
Exactly what they wanted I am sure.

Like its my fault my mother sold me out when I was a little kid.
My cousin a PhD in genetic engineering and her father Thomas Willems used to kill people for a living.

I, being just as bright if not moreso talented and attractive have to live on the road and sleep outside with only a backpack to my name.

How does a man who kills people get such a great life for his daughter? How did everyone around me including my friends and lovers get great lives when they were all involved in criminal activity?

A human scapegoat. A human sacrifice is the only way out of their crimes. They as individuals and the entire community. So many people must know about my.past what I haven't been allowed to remember myself.

So why WOULDN'T I want to leave the USA?
Compared to these sick jerks up here in the northeast from my past and my family's connections the Mormons and the foreign Satanists involved seem like angels in comparison.

The Truck Stops In Breezewood PA Are Dangerous To TIs

The Travel Center Of America truck and car stop in Breezewood Pennsylvania is a total gang stalking trap. The McDonald's nearby is wired to the gills. You WILL.start to get agitated and lose focus.

The Pilot is also going to have perps messing with you driving by and the counter people are snooty nobodies but there's not going to be the out and out harassmemt going on inside Pilot.

The TA is within what appears to be a sort of official rest area. I.assume this gives the place priority to be subjected to a.high degree of police or other surveillance or by a security company or covert agency and of course if you are targeted these powers WILL BE ABUSED in order to harass and stalk you.

McDonald's also but that's the norm anyway. McDonalds, Walmart, Target, Walgreens, HEB, etc. Your GOING to get harassed in these chains. And/or targeted with tech. McDonald's always delivers an experience of being watched through the security cameras. By a single or select group of person(s) usually that its board members or corporate higher ups which of course makes no sense at all.

Jack in The Box for instance doesn't deliver such an experience. As a TI I experience being subjected to a constant interface which results in a heavy behavior modification session.
Yet as far as being targeted.goes, their ends by these means at JITB seems to be to get the Target to think and believe differently for a better life overall. Of course be this as it may, ANY AND ALL behavior modification must be resisted and fought becuz....well becuz its wrong. End of story. They are using what amounts to punitive psychiatry. They claim.the TI is mental so perhaps this behavior mod system used in public spaces seems appropriate but in many cases its simply used to silence a victim witness, whistle blower, dissident etc.

Going along with any of this is not the way to handle being targeted. They might convince the public you are just a nothing to be mocked and laughed at or they may act like you don't matter but this is all to hide the fact you are most likely able to incriminate important people and reveal classified information.
If I was truly so unimportant I wouldn't be targeted and controlled to this extent day after day for years on end.
The people involved in this and the entire system itself seeks to cover up America's international war committing MORE war crimes.

The public doesn't know about.this system and TIs are subjected to it every day. Its not a very promising situation for Targeted Individuals.

I think this place is way to close to Washington DC is the problem. At the TA I started getting black males who were going out of their way to cross my path physically, gawk and stare and one even did a hand tactic when I was on the phone sitting down. Of course I said something to him and ended up walking away from TA using the end.word and giving the finger.

This cannot be just the way blacks are in small town PA. The truckers coming out of another truck brought me back to reality by simply stating that they were going the opposite way.
Those blacks over at TA were COINTELPRO or whatever you call them now. Antagonists. Working for the system.

Its a joke that terrorists could commit any crimes in the US even close to Washington DC. Any state surrounding there is saturated with a covert security presence. Its a fuckin joke to claim 9-11 happened by chance to begin with. From what I've seen over the years the country is completely controlled, every inch of it. And most havoc and violence is caused by the presence of antagonists along with psych warfare operations and the use of mind control technologies to drive human populations to behave in such ways.

This is a miserable place to hitch out of. And its cold.

Usually places like this that are nothing BUT tourist travel stop areas are self contained so they are little perpvilles. Gang Stalkingland and nothing else.

The closer you get northeast the more the trucking culture is blocked and hampered, firstly by a lack of good truck stops or any at all and secondly by nasty fines.and a general unfriendliness towards truckers.

In order for the northeast to function they have always kept a very strict control over the class and heirarchal structure. The trucking industry is way to strong and independent minded and spirited for this control to be maintained. All working class blue collars are designated to unions/organized crime and the police/fire malecentric 'class' or subgroup. Outside of the northeast like the south, Texas, southwest and the northwest, and to an extent CA, truckers are traditionally at odds with Smokey (police) and owner operators are independent of corporate control. Only DOT scares these people.

This subculture does.not support how the northeast creates and keeps its power structure. The northeast needs to keep its power concentrated so it can hold its own apart from other regions of the USA.

So when dealing with trucking here, beginning in Ohio really but it gets quite evident in PA, one loses the experience of the trucking lifestyle, which is basically a traveling lifestyle.

The northeast loathes this kind of untethered freedom. Their idea of freedom is ultimate political power, academic elite and excellence and the clout old money brings. Freedom here is what you can lord over the rest of the country.

This is why the trucker culture is absent from travel stops and the employees working here in this area.

Its easier to sit around your cramped Beacon Hill.shithole apartmemt and make fun of toothless hicks and hard working simple people than it is to wake up and realize that the northeast is a glorified golden cage. And nothing else.

I usually lose patience with this region just as I.have this time, within mere hours.

The heavy tech combined with a strong covert agent/police or security presence (that's abused to perform GS) along with the natural snobbishness of fat, average looking Nobody locals is a combination that is so much pressure it causes a break down within hours.

Its.not easy to be hit so hard by multiple things especially the tech basically forcing me to believe my life's work is worthless and I.will never get justice for myself or have peace of mind after telling my story.

Its brutal up here. But then again I can't get any peace from being targeted or manipulated WHEREVER I.GO IN THE UNITED STATES so why stay at all?

Oh and the most tasteless content I was targeted with at TA today was that whoever was watching me was laughing at me like laughing at.just looking at the sight of my face becuz they knew.and remembered me as either a child prostitute or from kiddie porn I.was in as a child. Like around or before 6 yrs. That young.

That the people watching me in TA percieved me as just a 'slut' type from that kind of family. That that has always been my value and how I have been percieved.

However I also got this psychic perception that whoever was watching also knew I had to be.handled carefully becuz I am capable of doing some damage becuz I do have incriminating information and a 'case' (a legal case?) if I ever was to be able to get help for whats been done to me.

Since my dad's father's family is from PA I wonder about the source of this. But it could some people connected with Washington DC or security for them considering this is so close to there.

Needless to say these have been some of the nastiest and disturbing images or impressions yet.

INTERFACE or what seems like interface with the Target through security and surveillance systems is what many of us experience. This along with then being harassed in a very specific manner that lets us know its personal and we are the focus (the target) is what makes many TIs act out in public.

I knew TA wasn't safe anymore when I found myself going into a tirade in.the ladies room.about how much I hate coming home to the Northeast.
Exactly what they wanted I am sure.

Like its my fault my mother sold me out when I was a little kid.
My cousin a PhD in genetic engineering and her father Thomas Willems used to kill people for a living.

I, being just as bright if not moreso talented and attractive have to live on the road and sleep outside with only a backpack to my name.

How does a man who kills people get such a great life for his daughter? How did everyone around me including my friends and lovers get great lives when they were all involved in criminal activity?

A human scapegoat. A human sacrifice is the only way out of their crimes. They as individuals and the entire community. So many people must know about my.past what I haven't been allowed to remember myself.

So why WOULDN'T I want to leave the USA?
Compared to these sick jerks up here in the northeast from my past and my family's connections the Mormons and the foreign Satanists involved seem like angels in comparison.


Austin TX. Tolerant Until Film Industry Showed Up

Austin TX. The Austin Recreation Center on Shoal Creek Blvd is heavily targeted by tech. Its very bad. There is a cell tower right next to the building and its obviously the source. The houseless population who escape the homeless shelter system here end up showering here becuz Zilker park begins charging this time of year to use the facilities and Rec Center is free.

Ran into two women who were very suspect and intimidating just by saying hello. It was after I was in bathroom for a while just ready to leave.

I feel very terrorized in this location. In this city it doesnt take but a day.or two for the system to focus or zero in on an area I frequent with tech and perps. It seems they do not saturate the entire city as.other places do.

SxSW, a film festival has totally ruined the formerly chill vibe of the place and made it seem very managed and populated by perps like other big cities. The vibe before the film people came was chill and welcoming to travelers, though downtown I felt hit and messed with a bit it wasnt anything major.

This city just put in a bit to be an IT focus for Apple to expand operations. Who knows what they are up to or how long this will last.

I am daily hit with strong ideations to go back 'home' to MA. That I dont belong here, that I am a native from MA and only belong there. That I should return there tk face this and fight back from where this started.

Of coursr I avoid this becuz I know that every time I return to MA or the northeast generally my health suffers and I get a beating from the system until I leave, usually 'escaping' by the skin of my teeth.

I refuse to go through this again. I will NEVER go back to New England or NY. These
places are environmental and electromagnetic nightmares and I refuse to be intimidated or harassed into going back ever again.

The other ideation is I should leave the country without fighting for myself or even trying to see if I can take any legal action.


Beware Of Locations Where Homeless People Frequent

The places homeless people would go to hang out or get out of inclimate weather are always psycho managed by tech. I don't know about chemical management but definitely tech.

You can always tell becuz one feels very watched by the surveillance cameras, always the same just like in certain stores. In environments like this the result is either Truman Show Syndrome or the same effect but the 'viewers' are store security.

The new location I am in central TX is pretty liberal towards travelers but still its part of the gang stalking system.

If I become docile and seem to be neglecting working on this project I get left alone. If I become reminded of my past (like seeing that musician on tv the other day who gave my ex a job and the past became alive again) then I get actively stalked with tactical activity.

That night I became upset after seeing that musician on tv I was harassed at a bus stop when leaving. Two marked cruisers passed then a detective car. Then a civilian car stopped in the middle of the street with its lights on in an obvious place to watch me and only left as the bus came and I got on. This tactic is recognized my me the conditioned TI as part of gang stalking. Its becuz this tactic is used in many other locations nationwide. The bus driver made sure she kept slowing down and breaking while driving so i couldn't get a good look at that car or its lic plate when it drove in front of us.

All the people who have these positions in society who actively harassed TIs with overt harassment during Bush and Hayden are now working for the system to simply permanently subdue Targets so we forget what happened and become normal parts of society.

This is ALL PART OF THE NWO. Its a totally psychomanaged society. The deception is its all about social responsibility or equality but that is a lie. This is the enslavement of mankind. I am not a Christian but thier Bible is either to make humans think all this is inevitable so they will go along with it or some other purpose the predictions make sense. Its also to make TIs look like Christian wackos and for operatives to hide as TIs by acting and sounding like Christian wackos.
Note how I don't end my writings with Christian crazed predictions of mass genocide or other bs that is totally outrageous and unable to prove or show cause.

The local library here is managed by cameras in the ceiling and one feels watched and interfaced by security. Judged and observed. In the Jack in the Box restaurant here one feels interfaced but not by viewers or security but by some single authority figure. The interface is constant as is the content which is constant observation and hypnotic suggestion which is of course for behavior modification.

I usually stay away from places like this for extended periods of time as I know that they are targeted like this to manage TI populations like The Homeless where many of us can be found.

If it sounds like mere mental illness then explain why it disappears when I exit these establishments. Only having such effects when staying in a certain building shows they are specific to those locations.