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On gangstalking - Blogged


The Public Finally Sees..And TELLS What KAP Elementary School In Boston Is Truly Like (Anti Homeless and Reverse Racism/Favoritism)

Im glad people are finally seeing this place for what it is, and I feel deeply sorry for the children who parents claim have been mistreated and the decent employees who worked there.

I had posted repeatedly years ago about this school singling me out as a houseless woman by not allowing me to panhandle to supplement my income while allowing a select few African American pan handlers to have access to the property.

I also posted about being harassed by a slew of employees at one time period.

I also stressed that people dressed in red who were African American would often pass by and photograph the place, as if it was some accomplishment- however as Ive stated, the Boston area is a huge Blood gang related area and I always questioned the possibility of money laundering through the school.
The old organized crime syndicates decades ago used to do things this way so it seemed a logical proposed theory, especially considering the hateful 'reverse' racism I experienced.

Btw, one of the panhandlers who got to work off that property, who was always loud, disruptive even violent-a female who used drugs heavily, recently died a year ago from an OD. An all too common scenerio in Boston right now as the herion-phentinol epidemic is taking so many lives.

Boston area has a strange culture of giving most money to drug users but shunning someone whos sober and actually doing something productive.
Maybe its not naiveté. Perhaps its chillingly calculating:feed the addict so they kill themselves or at least arent a threat and starve out the dissident who threatens the status quo and social order.

People used to try to make me look like a horrible person for mentioning on my blog harassment as a houseless woman from this school but Im not afraid to tell the truth.

Just becuz something looks lofty and good doesnt mean the people running it or investing in it are.

Of course decent people post in the reviews that they quit or found it unpleasant to have worked there becuz its likely that people of bad character (who would harass and starve out a homeless activist) are the ones who stay working there under bad conditions! Where else are they gonna get a job?

I'm hoping that things work this way with all of the situations where Ive been wronged.